Archive for October 28th, 2009


season of mists

28 October 2009

So I promised an update on the Autumn Rose.


I finished the knitting, crocheted my steek, cut, and tried it on…and the yoke was too large. By quite a good bit.

In true denial, I knit the neckband anyway, and then was somehow surprised to discover that the yoke was still too large. And this is no ordinary sweater, right? If the fit isn’t right, I’m not going to wear it, right? So I have to fix it, right??


So, I

  • ripped out the neckline (this part was particularly painful)
  • cut the black stripe just before the last red-orange band and removed everything above it
  • recalculated the decreases from that point
  • knit up from there (including a new steek), being extremely careful not to disturb the existing, already-cut steek
  • cut the new steek
  • picked up for neckband and knit that, thankful that Palette is so lovely and accommodating (the steeks stayed perfectly and it all blocked out)

I think it was worth it, though. This is totally my new favorite sweater.


And the October sweater?

DSCN2046I’m working on it.